Source code for pystmark


    Postmark API library built on :mod:`requests`

    :copyright: 2013, see AUTHORS for more details
    :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details

        Support for bounce and inbound hooks? These should be mostly handled
        in a framework specific manner but there might be some common utilities
        to provide.
        Optionally verify attachment size <=10MB
        Wrapper class for Message attachments and headers?

from collections import Mapping
from base64 import b64encode
import requests
import mimetypes
import os.path
import sys

from _pystmark_meta import __title__, __version__, __license__
(__title__, __version__, __license__)  # silence pyflakes

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:  # pragma: no cover
    from urllib.parse import urljoin

    basestring = str

    def iteritems(obj):
        return obj.items()

else:  # pragma: no cover
    from urlparse import urljoin

    def iteritems(obj):
        return obj.iteritems()

try:  # pragma: no cover
    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    import json

# Constant defined in the Postmark docs:

bounce_types = {
    'HardBounce': 1,
    'Transient': 2,
    'Unsubscribe': 16,
    'Subscribe': 32,
    'AutoResponder': 64,
    'AddressChange': 128,
    'DnsError': 256,
    'SpamNotification': 512,
    'OpenRelayTest': 1024,
    'Unknown': 2048,
    'SoftBounce': 4096,
    'VirusNotification': 8192,
    'ChallengeVerification': 16384,
    'BadEmailAddress': 100000,
    'SpamComplaint': 100001,
    'ManuallyDeactivated': 100002,
    'Unconfirmed': 100003,
    'Blocked': 100006,
    'SMTPApiError': 100007,
    'InboundError': 100008

""" Simple API """

def send(message, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args):
    """Send a message.

    :param message: Message to send.
    :type message: `dict` or :class:`Message`
    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`SendResponse`
    return _default_pyst_sender.send(message=message, api_key=api_key,
                                     secure=secure, test=test, **request_args)

def send_with_template(message,
    """Send a message.

    :param message: Message to send.
    :type message: `dict` or :class:`Message`
    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`SendResponse`
    return _default_pyst_template_sender.send(message=message,

def send_batch(messages, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args):
    """Send a batch of messages.

    :param messages: Messages to send.
    :type message: A list of `dict` or :class:`Message`
    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`BatchSendResponse`
    return _default_pyst_batch_sender.send(messages=messages, api_key=api_key,
                                           secure=secure, test=test,

def get_outbound_message_details(message_id, api_key=None, secure=None,
                                 test=None, **request_args):
    '''Get outbound message details.

    :param message_id: The messages's id.
    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`OutboundMessageDetailsResponse`
    return _default_outbound_message_details.get(message_id, api_key=api_key,
                                                 secure=secure, test=test,

def get_delivery_stats(api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args):
    """Get delivery stats for your Postmark account.

    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`DeliveryStatsResponse`
    return _default_delivery_stats.get(api_key=api_key, secure=secure,
                                       test=test, **request_args)

def get_bounces(api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args):
    """Get a paginated list of bounces.

    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`BouncesResponse`
    return _default_bounces.get(api_key=api_key, secure=secure,
                                test=test, **request_args)

def get_bounce(bounce_id, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None,
    """Get a single bounce.

    :param bounce_id: The bounce's id. Get the id with :func:`get_bounces`.
    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`BounceResponse`
    return _default_bounce.get(bounce_id, api_key=api_key, secure=secure,
                               test=test, **request_args)

def get_bounce_dump(bounce_id, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None,
    """Get the raw email dump for a single bounce.

    :param bounce_id: The bounce's id. Get the id with :func:`get_bounces`.
    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`BounceDumpResponse`
    return _default_bounce_dump.get(bounce_id, api_key=api_key, secure=secure,
                                    test=test, **request_args)

def get_bounce_tags(api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args):
    """Get a list of tags for bounces associated with your Postmark server.

    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`BounceTagsResponse`
    return _default_bounce_tags.get(api_key=api_key, secure=secure, test=test,

def activate_bounce(bounce_id, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None,
    """Activate a deactivated bounce.

    :param bounce_id: The bounce's id. Get the id with :func:`get_bounces`.
    :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Required, if `test` is not `True`.
    :param secure: Use the https scheme for the Postmark API.
        Defaults to `True`
    :param test: Use the Postmark Test API. Defaults to `False`.
    :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to
    :rtype: :class:`BounceActivateResponse`
    return _default_bounce_activate.activate(bounce_id, api_key=api_key,
                                             secure=secure, test=test,

""" Messages """

class Message(object):
    """ A container for message(s) to send to the Postmark API.
    You can populate this message with defaults for initializing an
    :class:`Interface`. The message will be combined with the final message
    and verified before transmission.

    :param sender: Email address of the sender.
    :param to: Destination email address.
    :param cc: A list of cc'd email addresses.
    :param bcc: A list of bcc'd email address.
    :param subject: The message subject.
    :param tag: Tag your emails with this.
    :param html: HTML body content.
    :param text: Text body content.
    :param reply_to: Email address to reply to.
    :param headers: Additional headers to include with the email. If you do
        not have the headers formatted for the Postmark API, use
    :type headers: A list of `dict`, each with the keys 'Name' and
    :param attachments: Attachments to include with the email. If you do not
        have the attachments formatted for the Postmark API, use
        :meth:`Message.attach_file` or :meth:`Message.attach_binary`.
    :type attachments: A list of `dict`, each with the keys 'Name',
        'Content' and 'ContentType'.
    :param verify: Verify the message when initialized.
        Defaults to `False`.
    :param track_opens: Set to true to enable tracking email opens.

    _fields = {
        'to': 'To',
        'sender': 'From',
        'cc': 'Cc',
        'bcc': 'Bcc',
        'subject': 'Subject',
        'tag': 'Tag',
        'template_id': 'TemplateId',
        'template_alias': 'TemplateAlias',
        'template_model': 'TemplateModel',
        'html': 'HtmlBody',
        'text': 'TextBody',
        'reply_to': 'ReplyTo',
        'headers': 'Headers',
        'attachments': 'Attachments',
        'track_opens': 'TrackOpens'

    _banned_extensions = ['vbs', 'exe', 'bin', 'bat', 'chm', 'com', 'cpl',
                          'crt', 'hlp', 'hta', 'inf', 'ins', 'isp', 'jse',
                          'lnk', 'mdb', 'pcd', 'pif', 'reg', 'scr', 'sct',
                          'shs', 'vbe', 'vba', 'wsf', 'wsh', 'wsl', 'msc',
                          'msi', 'msp', 'mst']

    _to = None
    _cc = None
    _bcc = None
    _default_content_type = 'application/octet-stream'

    def __init__(self, sender=None, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None,
                 template_id=None, template_alias=None, template_model=None,
                 tag=None, html=None, text=None, reply_to=None, headers=None,
                 attachments=None, verify=False, track_opens=None):
        self.sender = sender = to = cc
        self.bcc = bcc
        self.subject = subject
        self.tag = tag
        self.template_id = template_id
        self.template_alias = template_alias
        self.template_model = template_model
        self.html = html
        self.text = text
        self.reply_to = reply_to
        self.headers = headers
        self.attachments = attachments
        self.track_opens = track_opens

        if verify:

[docs] def data(self): """Returns data formatted for a POST request to the Postmark send API. :rtype: `dict` """ d = {} for val, key in self._fields.items(): val = getattr(self, val) if val is not None: d[key] = val return d
[docs] def json(self): """Return json-encoded string of message data. :rtype: `str` """ return json.dumps(, ensure_ascii=True)
[docs] @classmethod def load_message(self, message, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`Message` from a message data `dict`. :param message: A `dict` of message data. :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to construct :class:`Message` with. :rtype: :class:`Message` """ kwargs.update(message) message = kwargs try: message = Message(**message) except TypeError as e: message = self._convert_postmark_to_native(kwargs) if message: message = Message(**message) else: raise e return message
[docs] def load_from(self, other, **kwargs): """Create a :class:`Message` by merging `other` with `self`. Values from `other` will be copied to `self` if the value was not set on `self` and is set on `other`. :param other: The :class:`Message` to copy defaults from. :type other: :class:`Message` :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to construct :class:`Message` with. :rtype: :class:`Message` """ data = other_data = for k, v in iteritems(other_data): if data.get(k) is None: data[k] = v return self.load_message(data, **kwargs)
[docs] def add_header(self, name, value): """Attach an email header to send with the message. :param name: The name of the header value. :param value: The header value. """ if self.headers is None: self.headers = [] self.headers.append(dict(Name=name, Value=value))
[docs] def attach_binary(self, data, filename, content_type=None, content_id=None): """Attach a file to the message given raw binary data. :param data: Raw data to attach to the message. :param filename: Name of the file for the data. :param content_type: mimetype of the data. It will be guessed from the filename if not provided. :param content_id: ContentID URL of the attachment. A RFC 2392- compliant URL for the attachment that allows it to be referenced from inside the body of the message. Must start with 'cid:' """ if self.attachments is None: self.attachments = [] if content_type is None: content_type = self._detect_content_type(filename) attachment = { 'Name': filename, 'Content': b64encode(data).decode('utf-8'), 'ContentType': content_type } if content_id is not None: if not content_id.startswith('cid:'): raise MessageError('content_id parameter must be an ' 'RFC-2392 URL starting with "cid:"') attachment['ContentID'] = content_id self.attachments.append(attachment)
[docs] def attach_file(self, filename, content_type=None, content_id=None): """Attach a file to the message given a filename. :param filename: Name of the file to attach. :param content_type: mimetype of the data. It will be guessed from the filename if not provided. :param content_id: ContentID URL of the attachment. A RFC 2392- compliant URL for the attachment that allows it to be referenced from inside the body of the message. Must start with 'cid:' """ # Open the file, grab the filename, detect content type name = os.path.basename(filename) if not name: err = 'Filename not found in path: {0}' raise MessageError(err.format(filename)) with open(filename, 'rb') as f: data = self.attach_binary(data, name, content_type=content_type, content_id=content_id)
[docs] def verify(self): """Verifies the message data based on rules and restrictions defined in the Postmark API docs. There can be no more than 20 recipients in total. NOTE: This does not check that your attachments total less than 10MB, you must do that yourself. """ if is None: raise MessageError('"to" is required') if self.html is None and self.text is None: err = 'At least one of "html" or "text" must be provided' raise MessageError(err) self._verify_headers() self._verify_attachments() if (MAX_RECIPIENTS_PER_MESSAGE and len(self.recipients) > MAX_RECIPIENTS_PER_MESSAGE): err = 'No more than {0} recipients accepted.' raise MessageError(err.format(MAX_RECIPIENTS_PER_MESSAGE))
@property def recipients(self): """A list of all recipients for this message. """ cc = self._cc or [] bcc = self._bcc or [] return self._to + cc + bcc @property def to(self): """A comma delimited string of receivers for the message 'To' field. """ if self._to is not None: return ','.join(self._to) @to.setter def to(self, to): """ :param to: Email addresses for the 'To' API field. :type to: :keyword:`list` or `str` """ if isinstance(to, basestring): to = to.split(',') self._to = to @property def cc(self): """A comma delimited string of receivers for the message 'Cc' field. """ if self._cc is not None: return ','.join(self._cc) @cc.setter def cc(self, cc): """ :param cc: Email addresses for the 'Cc' API field. :type cc: :keyword:`list` or `str` """ if isinstance(cc, basestring): cc = cc.split(',') self._cc = cc @property def bcc(self): """A comma delimited string of receivers for the message 'Bcc' field. """ if self._bcc is not None: return ','.join(self._bcc) @bcc.setter def bcc(self, bcc): """ :param bcc: Email addresses for the 'Bcc' API field. :type bcc: :keyword:`list` or `str` """ if isinstance(bcc, basestring): bcc = bcc.split(',') self._bcc = bcc @classmethod def _convert_postmark_to_native(cls, message): """Converts Postmark message API field names to their corresponding :class:`Message` attribute names. :param message: Postmark message data, with API fields using Postmark API names. :type message: `dict` """ d = {} for dest, src in cls._fields.items(): if src in message: d[dest] = message[src] return d def _detect_content_type(self, filename): """Determine the mimetype for a file. :param filename: Filename of file to detect. """ name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if not ext: raise MessageError('File requires an extension.') ext = ext.lower() if ext.lstrip('.') in self._banned_extensions: err = 'Extension "{0}" is not allowed.' raise MessageError(err.format(ext)) if not mimetypes.inited: mimetypes.init() return mimetypes.types_map.get(ext, self._default_content_type) def _verify_headers(self): """Verify that header values match the format expected by the Postmark API. """ if self.headers is None: return self._verify_dict_list(self.headers, ('Name', 'Value'), 'Header') def _verify_attachments(self): """Verify that attachment values match the format expected by the Postmark API. """ if self.attachments is None: return keys = ('Name', 'Content', 'ContentType') self._verify_dict_list(self.attachments, keys, 'Attachment') def _verify_dict_list(self, values, keys, name): """Validate a list of `dict`, ensuring it has specific keys and no others. :param values: A list of `dict` to validate. :param keys: A list of keys to validate each `dict` against. :param name: Name describing the values, to show in error messages. """ keys = set(keys) name = name.title() for value in values: if not isinstance(value, Mapping): raise MessageError('Invalid {0} value'.format(name)) for key in keys: if key not in value: err = '{0} must contain "{1}"' raise MessageError(err.format(name, key)) if set(value) - keys: err = '{0} must contain only {1}' words = ['"{0}"'.format(r) for r in sorted(keys)] words = ' and '.join(words) raise MessageError(err.format(name, words)) def __eq__(self, other): """If comparing to a `dict`, convert to a :class:`Message` then compare data fields. """ if isinstance(other, Mapping): other = self.__class__.load_message(other) return == def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) class BouncedMessage(object): """Bounced message data wrapper. :param bounce_data: Raw bounced message data retrieved from :class:`Bounce` or :class:`Bounces`. :param sender: The :class:`Interface` that made the request for the bounce data. Defaults to `None`. """ def __init__(self, bounce_data, sender=None): self._data = bounce_data self._sender = sender = bounce_data['ID'] self.type = bounce_data['Type'] self.message_id = bounce_data['MessageID'] self.type_code = bounce_data['TypeCode'] self.details = bounce_data['Details'] = bounce_data['Email'] self.bounced_at = bounce_data['BouncedAt'] self.dump_available = bounce_data['DumpAvailable'] self.inactive = bounce_data['Inactive'] self.can_activate = bounce_data['CanActivate'] self.content = bounce_data.get('Content') self.subject = bounce_data['Subject'] def dump(self, sender=None, **kwargs): """Retrieve raw email dump for this bounce. :param sender: A :class:`BounceDump` object to get dump with. Defaults to `None`. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :func:`requests.request`. """ if sender is None: if self._sender is None: sender = _default_bounce_dump else: sender = BounceDump(api_key=self._sender.api_key, test=self._sender.test, return sender.get(, **kwargs) class MessageConfirmation(object): """Wrapper around data returned from Postmark after sending :param data: Data returned from Postmark upon sending a message """ def __init__(self, data): self._data = data self.error_code = data.get('ErrorCode', 0) self.message = data.get('Message', 'OK') = data.get('MessageID', '') self.submitted_at = data.get('SubmittedAt', '') # TODO -- find out if 'To' is returned comma delimited list of # emails when sent that way = data.get('To', '') class BounceTypeData(object): """Bounce type data wrapper. :param bounce_type_data: Raw bounce type data retrieved from :class:`DeliveryStats`. """ def __init__(self, bounce_type_data): self.count = bounce_type_data.get('Count', 0) = bounce_type_data['Name'] self.type = bounce_type_data.get('Type', 'All') """ Response Wrappers """ class Response(object): """Base class for API response wrappers. The wrapped :class:`requests.Response` object interface is exposed by this class, unless the attribute is defined in `self._attrs`. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ _attrs = [] def __init__(self, response, sender=None): attrs = self._attrs attrs += ['sender', '_data'] self._attrs = list(set(attrs)) self.sender = sender try: self._data = response.json() except ValueError: self._data = None self._requests_response = response def __getattribute__(self, k): """Gets attribute from `self` if attribute key is in `self._attrs`, else get it from the wrapped :class:`requests.Response`. """ if k == '_attrs' or k in object.__getattribute__(self, '_attrs'): return object.__getattribute__(self, k) r = object.__getattribute__(self, '_requests_response') if k == '_requests_response': return r return r.__getattribute__(k) def __setattr__(self, k, v): """Sets attribute on `self` if attribute key is in `self._attrs`, else sets it on the wrapped :class:`requests.Response`. """ if k in ['_attrs', '_requests_response'] or k in self._attrs: object.__setattr__(self, k, v) else: self._requests_response.__setattr__(k, v) def raise_for_status(self): """Raise Postmark-specific HTTP errors. If there isn't one, the standard HTTP error is raised. HTTP 401 raises :class:`UnauthorizedError` HTTP 422 raises :class:`UnprocessableEntityError` HTTP 500 raises :class:`InternalServerError` """ if self.status_code == 401: raise UnauthorizedError(self._requests_response) elif self.status_code == 422: raise UnprocessableEntityError(self._requests_response) elif self.status_code == 500: raise InternalServerError(self._requests_response) return self._requests_response.raise_for_status() class SendResponse(Response): """Wrapper around :func:`Sender.send` and :func:`BatchSender.send` :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ _attrs = ['message', 'raise_for_status'] def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(SendResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) data = self._data or {} self.message = MessageConfirmation(data) class BatchSendResponse(Response): """Wrapper around :func:`Sender.send` and :func:`BatchSender.send` :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ _attrs = ['messages', 'raise_for_status'] def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(BatchSendResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) data = self._data or [] self.messages = [MessageConfirmation(msg) for msg in data] class BouncesResponse(Response): """Wrapper for responses from :func:`Bounces.get`. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ _attrs = ['bounces', 'total'] def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(BouncesResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) data = self._data or {} = data.get('TotalCount', 0) bounces = data.get('Bounces', []) self.bounces = [BouncedMessage(bounce, sender=sender) for bounce in bounces] class BounceResponse(Response): """Wrapper for responses from :func:`Bounce.get`. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ _attrs = ['bounce'] def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(BounceResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) if self._data is None: self.bounce = None else: self.bounce = BouncedMessage(self._data, sender=sender) class BounceDumpResponse(Response): """Wrapper for responses from :func:`BounceDump.get`. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(BounceDumpResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) data = self._data or {} self.dump = data.get('Body') class BounceTagsResponse(Response): """Wrapper for responses from :func:`BounceTags.get`. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(BounceTagsResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) self.tags = self._data or [] class OutboundMessageDetailsResponse(Response): '''Wrapper for responses from :func:`OutboundMessageDetails.get`. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` ''' def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(OutboundMessageDetailsResponse, self ).__init__(response, sender=sender) self.raise_for_status() self.message_details = self._data or {} class DeliveryStatsResponse(Response): """Wrapper for responses from :func:`BounceActivate.activate`. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(DeliveryStatsResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) data = self._data or {} self.inactive = data.get('InactiveMails', 0) = 0 bounces = data.get('Bounces', []) self.bounces = {} for bounce in bounces: bounce = BounceTypeData(bounce) self.bounces[bounce.type] = bounce if bounce.type == 'All': = bounce.count class BounceActivateResponse(Response): """Wrapper for responses from the bounce activate endpoint. :param response: Response returned from :func:`requests.request`. :type response: :class:`requests.Response` :param sender: The API interface wrapper that generated the request. Defaults to `None`. :type sender: :class:`Interface` """ def __init__(self, response, sender=None): super(BounceActivateResponse, self).__init__(response, sender=sender) data = self._data or {} self.message = data.get('Message', '') bounce = data.get('Bounce') if bounce is None: self.bounce = None else: self.bounce = BouncedMessage(data['Bounce'], sender=sender) """ Interfaces """ class Interface(object): """Base class interface for Postmark API endpoint wrappers :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `None`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for API requests. Defaults to `True`. :param test: Use the Postmark test API. Defaults to `False`. """ method = None endpoint = None response_class = Response _headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } _api_key_header_name = 'X-Postmark-Server-Token' def __init__(self, api_key=None, secure=True, test=False): self.api_key = api_key = secure self.test = test def _request(self, url, **kwargs): """Inner :func:`requests.request` wrapper. :param url: Endpoint url :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. """ if self.method is None: raise NotImplementedError('method must be defined on a subclass') response = requests.request(self.method, url, **kwargs) return self.response_class(response, sender=self) def _get_api_url(self, secure=None, **formatters): """Constructs Postmark API url :param secure: Use the https Postmark API. :param formatters: :func:`string.format` keyword arguments to format the url with. :rtype: Postmark API url """ if self.endpoint is None: raise NotImplementedError('endpoint must be defined on a subclass') if secure is None: secure = if secure: api_url = POSTMARK_API_URL_SECURE else: api_url = POSTMARK_API_URL url = urljoin(api_url, self.endpoint) if formatters: url = url.format(**formatters) return url def _get_headers(self, api_key=None, test=None, request_args=None): """Constructs the headers to use for the request. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `None`. :param test: Use the Postmark test API. Defaults to `self.test`. :param request_args: Keyword args to pass to :func:`requests.request`. Defaults to `None`. :rtype: `dict` of header values. """ if request_args is None: request_args = {} headers = {} headers.update(self._headers) headers.update(request_args.pop('headers', {})) if (test is None and self.test) or test: headers[self._api_key_header_name] = POSTMARK_API_TEST_KEY elif api_key is not None: headers[self._api_key_header_name] = api_key else: headers[self._api_key_header_name] = self.api_key if not headers.get(self._api_key_header_name): raise ValueError('Postmark API Key not provided') return headers class GetInterface(Interface): """Base interface class for Postmark API endpoints that use GET""" method = 'GET' def get(self, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args): """Make a GET request to the Postmark API :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to `True` :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `False`. :param request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`Response` """ url = self._get_api_url(secure=secure) headers = self._get_headers(api_key=api_key, test=test, request_args=request_args) return self._request(url, headers=headers, **request_args) """ Send API """ class Sender(Interface): """Sends a single message via the Postmark API. All of the arguments used in constructing this object are used as defaults in the final call to :meth:`Sender.send`. You can override any of them at that time. :param message: Default message data, such as sender and reply_to. :type message: `dict` or :class:`Message` :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to `True` :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `False`. """ method = 'POST' endpoint = '/email' response_class = SendResponse def __init__(self, message=None, api_key=None, secure=True, test=False): super(Sender, self).__init__(api_key=api_key, secure=secure, test=test) self._load_initial_message(message=message) def send(self, message=None, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args): """Send request to Postmark API. Returns result of :func:``. :param message: Your Postmark message data. :type message: `dict` or :class:`Message` :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. :type api_key: `str` :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. :param secure: Use the https Postmark API. :param request_args: Passed to :func:`` :rtype: :class:`requests.Response` """ headers = self._get_headers(api_key=api_key, test=test, request_args=request_args) data = self._get_request_content(message) url = self._get_api_url(secure=secure) return self._request(url, data=data, headers=headers, **request_args) def _load_initial_message(self, message=None): """Converts message to :class:`Message` and sets it on `self`""" if message is None: message = Message(verify=False) if isinstance(message, Mapping): message = Message.load_message(message) self.message = message def _cast_message(self, message=None): """Convert message data to :class:`Message` if needed, and merge with the default message. :param message: Message to merge with the default message. :rtype: :class:`Message` """ if message is None: message = {} if isinstance(message, Mapping): message = Message.load_message(message) return message.load_from(self.message, verify=True) def _get_request_content(self, message=None): """Updates message with default message paramaters. :param message: Postmark message data :type message: `dict` :rtype: JSON encoded `unicode` """ message = self._cast_message(message=message) return message.json() class TemplateSender(Sender): """Sends a single message via the Postmark API with template. All of the arguments used in constructing this object are used as defaults in the final call to :meth:`Sender.send`. You can override any of them at that time. :param message: Default message data, such as sender and reply_to. :type message: `dict` or :class:`Message` :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to `True` :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `False`. """ endpoint = '/email/withTemplate' class BatchSender(Sender): """Sends a batch of messages via the Postmark API. All of the arguments used in constructing this object are used as defaults in the final call to :meth:`BatchSender.send`. You can override any of them at that time. :param message: Default message data, such as sender and reply_to. :type message: `dict` or :class:`Message` :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to `True` :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `False`. """ endpoint = '/email/batch' response_class = BatchSendResponse def send(self, messages=None, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args): """Send batch request to Postmark API. Returns result of :func:``. :param messages: Batch messages to send to the Postmark API. :type messages: A list of :class:`Message` :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `self.api_key`. :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `self.test`. :param secure: Use the https Postmark API. Defaults to ``. :param request_args: Passed to :func:`requests.request` :rtype: :class:`BatchSendResponse` """ return super(BatchSender, self).send(message=messages, test=test, api_key=api_key, secure=secure, **request_args) def _get_request_content(self, message=None): """Updates all messages in message with default message parameters. :param message: A collection of Postmark message data :type message: a collection of message `dict`s :rtype: JSON encoded `str` """ if not message: raise MessageError('No messages to send.') if len(message) > MAX_BATCH_MESSAGES: err = 'Maximum {0} messages allowed in batch' raise MessageError(err.format(MAX_BATCH_MESSAGES)) message = [self._cast_message(message=msg) for msg in message] message = [ for msg in message] return json.dumps(message, ensure_ascii=True) """ Bounce API """ class Bounces(GetInterface): """Multiple bounce retrieval endpoint wrapper. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `None`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to `True`. :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `False`. """ endpoint = '/bounces' response_class = BouncesResponse def __init__(self, api_key=None, secure=True, test=False): super(Bounces, self).__init__(api_key=api_key, secure=secure, test=test) self._last_response = None def get(self, bounce_type=None, inactive=None, email_filter=None, message_id=None, count=None, offset=None, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args): """Builds query string params from inputs. It handles offset and count defaults and validation. :param bounce_type: The type of bounces retrieve. See `bounce_types` for a list of types, or read the Postmark API docs. Defaults to `None`. :param inactive: If `True`, retrieves inactive bounces only. Defaults to `None`. :param email_filter: A string to filter emails by. Defaults to `None`. :param message_id: Retrieve a bounce for a single message's ID. Defaults to `None`. :param count: The number of bounces to retrieve in this request. Defaults to 25 if `message_id` is not provided. :param offset: The page offset for bounces to retrieve. Defaults to 0 if `message_id` is not provided. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `self.api_key`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to ``. :params test: Use the Postmark test API. Defaults to `self.test`. :rtype: :class:`BouncesResponse` """ params = self._construct_params(bounce_type=bounce_type, inactive=inactive, email_filter=email_filter, message_id=message_id, count=count, offset=offset) url = self._get_api_url(secure=secure) headers = self._get_headers(api_key=api_key, test=test, request_args=request_args) response = self._request(url, headers=headers, params=params, **request_args) return response def _request(self, url, **kwargs): """Makes request to :func:`Interface.request` and caches it. :param url: endpoint url :params kwargs: kwargs to pass to :func:`requests.request` """ response = super(Bounces, self)._request(url, **kwargs) self._last_response = response return response def _construct_params(self, bounce_type=None, inactive=None, email_filter=None, message_id=None, count=None, offset=None): """Builds query string params from inputs. It handles offset and count defaults and validation. :param bounce_type: The type of bounces retrieve. See `bounce_types` for a list of types, or read the Postmark API docs. Defaults to `None`. :param inactive: If `True`, retrieves inactive bounces only. Defaults to `None`. :param email_filter: A string to filter emails by. Defaults to `None`. :param message_id: Retrieve a bounce for a single message's ID. Defaults to `None`. :param count: The number of bounces to retrieve in this request. Defaults to 25 if `message_id` is not provided. :param offset: The page offset for bounces to retrieve. Defaults to 0 if `message_id` is not provided. """ params = {} if bounce_type is not None: if bounce_type not in bounce_types: err = 'Invalid bounce type "{0}".' raise BounceError(err.format(bounce_type)) else: params['type'] = bounce_type if inactive is not None: params['inactive'] = inactive if email_filter is not None: params['emailFilter'] = email_filter if message_id is None: # If the message_id is given, count and offset are not # required, so we postpone assigning defaults to here if count is None: count = 25 if offset is None: offset = 0 else: params['messageID'] = message_id if count is not None: params['count'] = count if offset is not None: params['offset'] = offset return params class Bounce(GetInterface): """Single bounce retrieval endpoint wrapper. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `None`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to `True`. :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `False`. """ endpoint = '/bounces/{bounce_id}' response_class = BounceResponse def __init__(self, api_key=None, secure=True, test=False): super(Bounce, self).__init__(api_key=api_key, secure=secure, test=test) def get(self, bounce_id, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args): """Retrieves a single bounce's data. :param bounce_id: A bounce's ID retrieved with :class:`Bounces`. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `self.api_key`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to ``. :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `self.test`. :param request_args: Keyword args to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`BounceResponse` """ url = self._get_api_url(secure=secure, bounce_id=bounce_id) headers = self._get_headers(api_key=api_key, test=test, request_args=request_args) return self._request(url, headers=headers, **request_args) class BounceDump(Bounce): """Bounce dump endpoint wrapper.""" response_class = BounceDumpResponse endpoint = '/bounces/{bounce_id}/dump' class BounceTags(GetInterface): """Bounce tags endpoint wrapper.""" response_class = BounceTagsResponse endpoint = '/bounces/tags' class OutboundMessageDetails(GetInterface): '''Outbound message details endpoint wrapper.''' response_class = OutboundMessageDetailsResponse endpoint = '/messages/outbound/{message_id}/details' def get(self, message_id, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args): '''Retrieves a single messages's data. :param message_id: A messages's ID. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `self.api_key`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to ``. :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `self.test`. :param request_args: Keyword args to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`OutboundMessageDetailsResponse` ''' url = self._get_api_url(secure=secure, message_id=message_id) headers = self._get_headers(api_key=api_key, test=test, request_args=request_args) return self._request(url, headers=headers, **request_args) class DeliveryStats(GetInterface): """Delivery Stats endpoint wrapper.""" response_class = DeliveryStatsResponse endpoint = '/deliverystats' class BounceActivate(Interface): """Bounce Activation endpoint wrapper. :param bounce_id: A bounce's ID retrieved with :class:`Bounces`. Defaults to `None`. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `None`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to `True`. :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `False`. """ response_class = BounceActivateResponse method = 'PUT' endpoint = '/bounces/{bounce_id}/activate' def __init__(self, api_key=None, secure=True, test=False): super(BounceActivate, self).__init__(api_key=api_key, test=test, secure=secure) def activate(self, bounce_id, api_key=None, secure=None, test=None, **request_args): """Activates a bounce. :param bounce_id: A bounce's ID retrieved with :class:`Bounces`. :param api_key: Your Postmark API key. Defaults to `self.api_key`. :param secure: Use the https scheme for Postmark API. Defaults to ``. :param test: Make a test request to the Postmark API. Defaults to `self.test`. :param request_args: Keyword args to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`BounceActivateResponse` """ url = self._get_api_url(secure=secure, bounce_id=bounce_id) headers = self._get_headers(api_key=api_key, test=test, request_args=request_args) return self._request(url, headers=headers, **request_args) """ Exceptions """ class PystmarkError(Exception): """Base `Exception` for :mod:`pystmark` errors. :param message: Message to raise with the Exception. Defaults to `None`. """ message = '' def __init__(self, message=None): if message is not None: self.message = message def __str__(self): return str(self.message) class MessageError(PystmarkError): """ Raised when a message meant to be sent to Postmark API looks malformed """ message = 'Refusing to send malformed message' class BounceError(PystmarkError): """ Raised when a bounce API method fails """ message = 'Bounce API failure' class ResponseError(PystmarkError): """Base `Exception` for errors received from Postmark API :param response: A :class:`Response`. :param message: Message to raise with the Exception. Defaults to `None`. """ def __init__(self, response, message=None): self.response = response try: = response.json() except ValueError: = {} self.error_code ='ErrorCode', -1) self.message ='Message', '') self.message_id ='MessageID', '') self.submitted_at ='SubmittedAt', '') ='To', '') super(ResponseError, self).__init__(message=message) def __str__(self): if not msg = 'Not a valid JSON response. Status: {0}' return msg.format(self.response.status_code) msg = '{1} [ErrorCode {0}]' return msg.format(self.error_code, self.message) class UnauthorizedError(ResponseError): """Raised when Postmark responds with a :attr:`status_code` of 401 Indicates a missing or incorrect API key. """ pass class UnprocessableEntityError(ResponseError): """Raised when Postmark responds with a :attr:`status_code` of 422. Indicates message(s) received by Postmark were malformed. """ pass class InternalServerError(ResponseError): """Raised when Postmark responds with a :attr:`status_code` of 500 Indicates an error on Postmark's end. Any messages sent in the request were not received by them. """ pass """ Singletons """ _default_pyst_sender = Sender() _default_pyst_template_sender = TemplateSender() _default_pyst_batch_sender = BatchSender() _default_bounces = Bounces() _default_bounce = Bounce() _default_bounce_dump = BounceDump() _default_bounce_tags = BounceTags() _default_outbound_message_details = OutboundMessageDetails() _default_delivery_stats = DeliveryStats() _default_bounce_activate = BounceActivate()