Source code for flask_pystmark

from flask import current_app
from pystmark import (send, send_batch, get_delivery_stats, get_bounces,
                      get_bounce, get_bounce_dump, get_bounce_tags,
                      activate_bounce, Message as _Message)
from __about__ import __version__, __title__, __description__

__all__ = ['__version__', '__title__', '__description__', 'Pystmark',

[docs]class Pystmark(object): ''' A wrapper around the Simple API of pystmark. Refer to for more details. :param app: Flask app to initialize with. Defaults to `None` ''' def __init__(self, app=None): if app is not None: self.init_app(app)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): ''' Initialize Pystmark with a Flask app ''' app.pystmark = self
[docs] def send(self, message, **request_args): '''Send a message. :param message: Message to send. :type message: `dict` or :class:`Message` :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.SendResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(send, message, **request_args)
[docs] def send_batch(self, messages, **request_args): '''Send a batch of messages. :param messages: Messages to send. :type message: A list of `dict` or :class:`Message` :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.BatchSendResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(send_batch, messages, **request_args)
[docs] def get_delivery_stats(self, **request_args): '''Get delivery stats for your Postmark account. :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.DeliveryStatsResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(get_delivery_stats, **request_args)
[docs] def get_bounces(self, **request_args): '''Get a paginated list of bounces. :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.BouncesResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(get_bounces, **request_args)
[docs] def get_bounce_tags(self, **request_args): '''Get a list of tags for bounces associated with your Postmark server. :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.BounceTagsResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(get_bounce_tags, **request_args)
[docs] def get_bounce(self, bounce_id, **request_args): '''Get a single bounce. :param bounce_id: The bounce's id. Get the id with :func:`get_bounces`. :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.BounceResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(get_bounce, bounce_id, **request_args)
[docs] def get_bounce_dump(self, bounce_id, **request_args): '''Get the raw email dump for a single bounce. :param bounce_id: The bounce's id. Get the id with :func:`get_bounces`. :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.BounceDumpResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(get_bounce_dump, bounce_id, **request_args)
[docs] def activate_bounce(self, bounce_id, **request_args): '''Activate a deactivated bounce. :param bounce_id: The bounce's id. Get the id with :func:`get_bounces`. :param \\*\\*request_args: Keyword arguments to pass to :func:`requests.request`. :rtype: :class:`pystmark.BounceActivateResponse` ''' return self._pystmark_call(activate_bounce, bounce_id, **request_args)
def _pystmark_call(self, method, *args, **kwargs): ''' Wraps a call to the pystmark Simple API, adding configured settings ''' kwargs = self._apply_config(**kwargs) return method(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _apply_config(**kwargs): '''Adds the current_app's pystmark configuration to a dict. If a configuration value has been specified in \\*\\*kwargs, it will not be overriden by the app's configuration. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to the pystmark Simple API ''' kwargs = dict(**kwargs) kwargs.setdefault('api_key', current_app.config['PYSTMARK_API_KEY']) kwargs.setdefault('secure', current_app.config.get('PYSTMARK_HTTPS', True)) kwargs.setdefault('test', current_app.config.get('PYSTMARK_TEST_API', False)) return kwargs
[docs]class Message(_Message): ''' A container for message(s) to send to the Postmark API. You can populate this message with defaults for initializing an :class:`Interface` from the pystmark library. The message will be combined with the final message and verified before transmission. Refer to for more details. :param sender: Email address of the sender. Defaults to PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_SENDER if defined. :param to: Destination email address. :param cc: A list of cc'd email addresses. :param bcc: A list of bcc'd email address. :param subject: The message subject. :param tag: Tag your emails with this. :param html: HTML body content. :param text: Text body content. :param reply_to: Email address to reply to. Defaults to PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO, if defined. :param headers: Additional headers to include with the email. If you do not have the headers formatted for the Postmark API, use :meth:`Message.add_header`. Defaults to PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_HEADERS, if defined. :type headers: A list of `dict`, each with the keys 'Name' and 'Value'. :param attachments: Attachments to include with the email. If you do not have the attachments formatted for the Postmark API, use :meth:`Message.attach_file` or :meth:`Message.attach_binary`. :type attachments: A list of `dict`, each with the keys 'Name', 'Content' and 'ContentType'. :param verify: Verify the message when initialized. Defaults to PYSTMARK_VERIFY_MESSAGES if provided, otherwise `False`. ''' def __init__(self, sender=None, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, tag=None, html=None, text=None, reply_to=None, headers=None, attachments=None, verify=None, track_opens=None): if sender is None: sender = current_app.config.get('PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_SENDER') if reply_to is None: reply_to = current_app.config.get('PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO') if headers is None: headers = current_app.config.get('PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_HEADERS') if verify is None: verify = current_app.config.get('PYSTMARK_VERIFY_MESSAGES', False) super(Message, self).__init__(sender=sender, to=to, cc=cc, bcc=bcc, subject=subject, tag=tag, html=html, text=text, reply_to=reply_to, headers=headers, attachments=attachments, verify=verify, track_opens=track_opens)