
Flask-Pystmark is a Flask extension for the Postmark API library Pystmark.

The extension contains two objects, Pystmark and Message. Pystmark wraps the Simple API of the pystmark module. Both inject Flask-Pystmark configuration variables into the functions or objects they wrap.

Flask-Pystmark supports Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and PyPy.


$ pip install Flask-Pystmark


Flask-Pystmark is configured through the standard Flask config API. Any of them can be overridden in calls to the Pystmark methods or Message construction. These are the available options:

  • PYSTMARK_API_KEY : Required. Your API key for postmarkapp.com
  • PYSTMARK_HTTPS : default True. Use https for requests to postmarkapp.com
  • PYSTMARK_TEST_API : default False. Use the Postmark test API. Note: a request is still made to postmarkapp.com, but accesses their sandbox.
  • PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_SENDER : default None. Default sender email to use for outgoing messages
  • PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO : default None. Default reply_to email to use for outgoing messages
  • PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_HEADERS : default None. Default headers to apply to outgoing messages. They must be in the format required by Postmark. Note: these are headers in the email. If you need headers in the request sent to postmarkapp.com, pass them in to the API wrappers as you would in a call to requests.request
  • PYSTMARK_VERIFY_MESSAGES : default False. Apply sanity checks to all messages when created. Will raise pystmark.MessageError if it appears invalid.


# app.py
from flask import Flask
from flask_pystmark import Pystmark, Message
from pystmark import ResponseError

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['PYSTMARK_API_KEY'] = 'your_api_key'
app.config['PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_SENDER'] = 'admin@example.com'
pystmark = Pystmark(app)

def send():
    m = Message(to='user@gmail.com', text='Welcome')
    resp = pystmark.send(m)
    except ResponseError as e:
        return 'Failed to send message. Reason: {}'.format(e)
        return 'Sent message to {}'.format(resp.message.to)


Pystmark Object

class flask_pystmark.Pystmark(app=None)[source]

A wrapper around the Simple API of pystmark.

Refer to http://pystmark.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#simple-api for more details.

Parameters:app – Flask app to initialize with. Defaults to None
activate_bounce(bounce_id, **request_args)[source]

Activate a deactivated bounce.

  • bounce_id – The bounce’s id. Get the id with get_bounces().
  • **request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:


get_bounce(bounce_id, **request_args)[source]

Get a single bounce.

  • bounce_id – The bounce’s id. Get the id with get_bounces().
  • **request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:


get_bounce_dump(bounce_id, **request_args)[source]

Get the raw email dump for a single bounce.

  • bounce_id – The bounce’s id. Get the id with get_bounces().
  • **request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:



Get a list of tags for bounces associated with your Postmark server.

Parameters:**request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:pystmark.BounceTagsResponse

Get a paginated list of bounces.

Parameters:**request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:pystmark.BouncesResponse

Get delivery stats for your Postmark account.

Parameters:**request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:pystmark.DeliveryStatsResponse

Initialize Pystmark with a Flask app

send(message, **request_args)[source]

Send a message.

  • message (dict or Message) – Message to send.
  • **request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:


send_batch(messages, **request_args)[source]

Send a batch of messages.

  • messages – Messages to send.
  • **request_args – Keyword arguments to pass to requests.request().
Return type:


Message Object

class flask_pystmark.Message(sender=None, to=None, cc=None, bcc=None, subject=None, tag=None, html=None, text=None, reply_to=None, headers=None, attachments=None, verify=None, track_opens=None)[source]

A container for message(s) to send to the Postmark API. You can populate this message with defaults for initializing an Interface from the pystmark library. The message will be combined with the final message and verified before transmission.

Refer to http://pystmark.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#message-object for more details.

  • sender – Email address of the sender. Defaults to PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_SENDER if defined.
  • to – Destination email address.
  • cc – A list of cc’d email addresses.
  • bcc – A list of bcc’d email address.
  • subject – The message subject.
  • tag – Tag your emails with this.
  • html – HTML body content.
  • text – Text body content.
  • reply_to – Email address to reply to. Defaults to PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_REPLY_TO, if defined.
  • headers (A list of dict, each with the keys ‘Name’ and ‘Value’.) – Additional headers to include with the email. If you do not have the headers formatted for the Postmark API, use Message.add_header(). Defaults to PYSTMARK_DEFAULT_HEADERS, if defined.
  • attachments (A list of dict, each with the keys ‘Name’, ‘Content’ and ‘ContentType’.) – Attachments to include with the email. If you do not have the attachments formatted for the Postmark API, use Message.attach_file() or Message.attach_binary().
  • verify – Verify the message when initialized. Defaults to PYSTMARK_VERIFY_MESSAGES if provided, otherwise False.
add_header(name, value)[source]

Attach an email header to send with the message.

  • name – The name of the header value.
  • value – The header value.
attach_binary(data, filename, content_type=None, content_id=None)[source]

Attach a file to the message given raw binary data.

  • data – Raw data to attach to the message.
  • filename – Name of the file for the data.
  • content_type – mimetype of the data. It will be guessed from the filename if not provided.
  • content_id – ContentID URL of the attachment. A RFC 2392- compliant URL for the attachment that allows it to be referenced from inside the body of the message. Must start with ‘cid:’
attach_file(filename, content_type=None, content_id=None)[source]

Attach a file to the message given a filename.

  • filename – Name of the file to attach.
  • content_type – mimetype of the data. It will be guessed from the filename if not provided.
  • content_id – ContentID URL of the attachment. A RFC 2392- compliant URL for the attachment that allows it to be referenced from inside the body of the message. Must start with ‘cid:’

A comma delimited string of receivers for the message ‘Bcc’ field.


A comma delimited string of receivers for the message ‘Cc’ field.


Returns data formatted for a POST request to the Postmark send API.

Return type:dict

Return json-encoded string of message data.

Return type:str
load_from(other, **kwargs)[source]

Create a Message by merging other with self. Values from other will be copied to self if the value was not set on self and is set on other. :param other: The Message to copy defaults from. :type other: Message :param kwargs: Additional keyword arguments to construct

Message with.
Return type:Message
classmethod load_message(message, **kwargs)[source]

Create a Message from a message data dict.

  • message – A dict of message data.
  • kwargs – Additional keyword arguments to construct Message with.
Return type:



A list of all recipients for this message.


A comma delimited string of receivers for the message ‘To’ field.


Verifies the message data based on rules and restrictions defined in the Postmark API docs. There can be no more than 20 recipients in total. NOTE: This does not check that your attachments total less than 10MB, you must do that yourself.